Delta Gamma

Philanthropy Events


Protecting the gift of sight is one of Delta Gamma’s highest priorities. Since 1936, Delta Gamma’s philanthropic purpose has been to stop blindness before it starts. For men and women for whom blindness has affected, our mission has been to impact the quality of their lives in a number of positive ways. We have funded genetic research, low-vision adaptive devices, tapes, Braille books, and hundreds of life-enhancing programs. Our members have helped men and women in many ways to obtain independent living skills, increased communications, and mobility skills. Delta Gammas give more than 96,000 Service for Sight volunteer hours each year, one volunteer at a time, each leaving her mark on the world.

Every Fall, Delta Gamma organizes and hosts N.C. State’s largest Greek philanthropy event, Anchor Splash. Anchor Splash is a day-long event at the campus pool, to raise money for our philanthropy, Service for Sight. Other Greek organizations, as well as many other organizations on campus donate money to participate in the festivities. Events include the Champion of the Anchor pageant competition, competitive swimming races, a belly flop contest, Save the Mermaid, and a synchronized swimming contest. Each year the event grows, raising more money and attracting more participants.  

Delta Gammas at NC State also volunteer with many community organizations. Each Fall we team up with Prevent Blindness North Carolina to administer free eye screenings at the North Carolina State Fair and volunteer for their annual parking lot fundraiser at the State Fair. This fall our chapter partnered up with SAS Institute to create braille markers for the visually impaired community.